What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is the use of low temperatures to treat a variety of health and skin conditions, it literally means “cold therapy”.

The application of Cryotherapy has been used since 1944 for its multiple benefits in treating inflammation, pain, and improving blood flow and circulation. In 2008 the use of Cryotherapy in the beauty industry gained traction following a study performed by Rox Anderson together with medical colleagues in relation to localised cryolipolysis which concluded that controlled local skin cooling can induce selective damage and subsequent loss of subcutaneous fat without damaging the overlying skin. Since then, it has been the focus of numerous studies about fat mass reduction, showing on average a 20% reduction. In 2018 Shari Lipner MD undertook a review of pre-clinical work and clinical trials in relation to the use of cryolipolysis for submental fat reduction. Lipner concluded that Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive cooling technique that is safe and effective for treatment of submental fat. 

What is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is a method of selectively cooling and destroying fat cells which are then naturally eliminated by the body through the lymphatic system. 

The process of cryolipolysis was discovered by Dr. Dieter Manstein, and Dr. R. Rox Anderson of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Their work was based on the “popsicle panniculitis” theory, which claims that sucking on a frozen popsicle can encourage loss of cheek fat. Based on this, the doctors worked together to prove the theory that the application of extreme cold on fat tissue could, in fact, result in a reduction of fat cells. Thus, the concept of cryolipolysis was born. 

Cryolipolysis is now considered to be a safe non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

What is Contrast Cryolipolysis?

Innovative new technology has now introduced a completely new generation of cryolipolysis to the market known as ‘Contrast Cryolipolysis’ which is the controlled application of alternating heat and cold temperatures to effect physiological change. The dynamic interplay of this new heating-cooling method is considered to promote greater loss of adipose tissue than cooling alone whilst also promoting new collagen and elastic which tightens and improves the texture of the skin. This non-invasive technique reduces the subcutaneous fat layer without damage to surrounding cells and tissue, has no downtime and is considered a safe alternative to liposuction.


ELETTRONICA PAGANI, located in Milan, Italy is a world leader in the development and manufacture of electronic, aesthetic and medical devices

Constant technological innovation, continuous quality improvement and accurate production processes: these are the prerogatives of ELETTRONICA PAGANI for achieving a primary objective: Customer Satisfaction.

ELETTRONICA PAGANI is a company made up of people who never tire of deepening their knowledge and expertise, putting themselves at the disposal of Physicians, Physiotherapists and Aestheticians, interacting with professionals to develop products and services to meet its customers’ requirements.

Each medical device is made under the control of the IMQ, Italy’s most important certification body and European leader in conformity assessments and laboratory tests, and complies to the 93/42 and 89/336 EEC Directives in order to offer the best safety conditions to its customers.


The Cryo T-Shock device is based on the technology of Péltier cells, with two components:

Diathermy, capable of generating heat
Transdermal cryotherapy, capable of subtracting heat.

Elettronica Pagani created the Cryo T-Shock to deliver both cryotherapy and thermotherapy thereby creating a controlled and effective thermal shock. This is where warm settings are followed by cold settings in a dynamic, sequential and temperature-controlled manner provoking therapeutic benefits that the application of cold only or heat only applications cannot provide. The temperature range delivered by the Cryo T-Shock is -18°C to 41°C.

The cold and heat produced by the Péltier cells is applied to the client’s body using an ergonomic handpiece which also acts as a temperature sensor measuring the client’s body temperature and displaying it on the device’s 7” colour touch screen. The advanced technology of the real time temperature sensor allows the operator to immediately control the temperature which can be further adjusted and personalised for the client’s safety and comfort. Application time is normally short but the effectiveness of the treatment comes from the dynamic exchange of temperatures that the device is capable of reaching in a very short period of time.

The thermoelectric cooling of the Péltier effect is regulated by a hydraulic system which ensures a very high inertia which is absolutely necessary for the correct application of the treatment in a minimum of time. These characteristics, which are very difficult to obtain, make it possible to enact a very rapid cooling of the fat tissues while avoiding the risk of lesions of the skin tissue due to an application that is too long. The principle of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to cause what is called the phenomenon of apoptosis, a natural programmed cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue.


Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, is the use of low temperatures in medical therapy. The decrease in the temperature of the skin and underlying tissue induced by the innovative Cryo T-Shock device has powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects. The low temperature – and the speed with which it is established – of the areas subjected to the cold therapy improves antioxidant levels in the blood and simultaneously reduces inflammation.


Heat increases tissue elasticity. The effect is particularly evident in all structures where numerous collagen fibres are present. Heat has the power to accelerate the biochemical reactions of the organism and greatly increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue. This results in an increased metabolism in the treated area. It also has a relaxing effect on clients. 


The Cryo T-Shock is not only capable of emitting cold but also of heat and of causing the two to alternate, thus causing “thermal shock”. This method of thermal shock is medically recognized to be particularly restorative for tissues by significantly increasing local microcirculation.

The physiological responses underlying the therapeutic effects of heat include an increase in blood flow, increase in extensibility of collagen tissues, relief from muscle spasms, reduction of pain, reduction of inflammation and oedema. The effects of cryotherapy are vasoconstriction with reduction of blood flow, pain relief, reduction of oedema, reduction of contraction, increased metabolism and release of enzymes and histamines.

Dynamic and controlled thermal shock is a form of energy with proven biological effectiveness which, when administered and subtracted in a controlled and combined manner, offers significant therapeutic and aesthetic benefits. The controlled combination of vasodilatation (widening of the blood vessels) and vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels) induced selectively in tissues exploits the strong effects of the temperature changes imposed locally.


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