Cryo T-Shock Ad Define Treatment – new in non-surgical, no downtime aesthetic Abdominal Etching treatment.

Non-Invasive, no downtime, non-surgical Abdominal Definition or Sculpting.

The surgical procedure known as Ab Etching, Ab Sculpting or Six Pack creation has been popular for years. Except for the potential side effect and associated risks including uneven contours, pain and swelling, many more patients would choose to have this procedure.

The non-surgical treatments that reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat to contour and shape the abdomen are some of the most popular rejuvenation techniques available, whether they are sought out after weight gain/loss, after pregnancy of some other need. 

The controlled thermal shock delivered by the Cryo T-Shock is considerably different from other modalities used for non-invasive body contouring: cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, high-intensity focused ultrasound, and laser therapy. First because Cryo T-Shock is not limited by treatment area size or location. Other body sculpting technologies destroy fat by initiating necrotic cell death of the targeted tissue. Historically the challenge has been targeting the right tissue depth and aoiding unintended damage to other structures close to or within the fat layer.

Cryo T-Shock treatment is different as it causes fat cell apoptosis – a controlled cell death that leads to the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators that gradually eliminate the targeted fat cells. Inflammatory cells gradually digest the affected fat cells in the months after the treatment, reducing the thickness of the fat layer.

What can you expect?

  • no side effects such as, swelling, pain or bruising
  • no sucking or poking of the target area
  • permanent body fat reduction without damage to surrounding tissues 
  • results within 20-30 days
  • repeatable treatment if you choose
  • flexibility to treat any sized area – not restricted by cups or hand-pieces


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1300 458 222 | hello@milanomed.com.au